Issue 4(19), June 2005
We open this issue of our magazine to three thematic scahografical problems which were kindly sent by our constant reader and the author of compositions - Miron Gnatina.
We with special pleasure do it, as we consider, as in a chess important sanguineously to recreate our rough reality. Also we repeat after our genius, "Kamenyar" of a poetic word, Ivan Franko (language of the original):
Гей, Січ іде!
Красний мак цвіте!
Кому прикре Наше Слово, -
Нам воно святе.
Гей, Січ іде!
Шабельками брень,
Кому люба чорна пітьма,
А нам ясен день! |
ORIGINALSTouch stipulation and you'll see solution!
№498 M.Gnatina (Stry) Dedicated to Volodimir Klitschko
M.Gnatina (Stry) POMARANCH
| №500 M.Gnatina (Stry) Dedicated to Vitaly Klitschko
O.Zhuka's study - Ke6-Ke8 - has appeared with collateral solutions. Not only: 1.Bа5! , but it can be: 1.Bс5,е3,b6,f6! Other compositions were judged thus:
№501 A.Kovrizhenko, U.Chervonuk (both - Brusiliv) Prize
| №502 R.Buchinsky (Mikhaylivka) hon. men.
№503 O.Zhuk (Hristinivka) com. men.
№501. White precise game manages to neutralize advantage black and to find a way to win: 1.Rh8+ Ka7 2.R:a8+ K:a8 3.Bc6 Sd3+ 4.Kf5 Sc5 5.f7 Sd7 6.B:d7 Rb8 7.Be8 Rb1 8.Bc6+ Ka7 9.Kg4 Rf1 10.Bf3 +.
№502. In spite of the fact that black king has got in a matte grid, it manages to be kept and reach item a draw! 1.Se7 Sd8 2.R:d8 Rg8 3.S:d5 Q:d5 4.R:d5 Rg5 5.Be5 Rg4+ 6.Bd4 Rg5 7.Be5 =.
№503. In the classical pawn endgama on idea of break, the author managed to find interesting nuance which has transformed an educational position into a study: 1.a5? b:a5 2.b:a5 Ke5 3.Kd3 h4 4.Ke3 h3 5.Kf3 Kd4 6.Kg3 K:c4 7.K:h3 K:d5 black won. Real play 1.c5! b:c5 2.b:c5 Ke5 3.d6 c:d6 4.c6 b:c6 5.a5 white won.
Judge Vitaly Shevchenko
ORIGINALSTouch stipulation and you'll see solution!
№504 O.Lisyany (Kaniv)
| №505 V.Aksyonov (Donetsk)
| №506 G.Shinkarenko (Zaporizhia)
| №507 L.Lyubashevsky (Israel)
№508 V.Kozhakin, A.Oleynik,
V.Kovalenko (all - Russia)
| №509 F.Kapustin (Berdyansk)
Dedicated to V.Shevchenko
| №510 M.Campioli
| №511 P.Rossi, M.Campioli
№512 V.Chicherin (Russia)
| №513 O.Zhuk (Hristinivka)
| №514 O.Ugnivenko (Volnovaha)
| №515 A.Strebkovs (Latvia)
№516 V.Dedenko (Russia) V.Shevchenko (Zaporizhia)
| №517 T.Garai
| №518 O.Borisenko O.Derevchuk (Dnipropetrovsk)
| №519 O.Zhuk (Hristinivka)
V.Shevchenko (Zaporizhia)
№520 I.Krampis (Latvia)
| №521 R.Zalokotsky (Sambir) M.Kuligin (Zaporizhia)
| №522 R.Zalokotsky (Sambir) O.Ugnivenko (Volnovaha)
| №523 R.Zalokotsky V.Seredinsky (Sambir)
№524 R.Zalokotsky (Sambir) M.Kuligin (Zaporizhia)
| №525 G.Shinkarenko (Zaporizhia)
| №526 R.Zalokotsky V.Seredinsky (both - Sambir)
| №527 R.Zalokotsky (Sambir) A.Pozharsky (Dubno)
№528 R.Zalokotsky (Sambir) V.Chornous (Odesa)
| №529 A.Selivanov (Russia)
| №530 V.Kirillov (Russia) M.Mishko (Donetsk)
MIKOLA NAGNIBIDA (1939 - 2005) |
An outstanding chess composer of Ukraine - Mikola Nagnibida has died.
The professional scientist, has protected candidate (1967) and doctor (1985) dissertations, became the professor and many years managed faculty of the mathematical analysis of Chernovtsy university. For years of the scientific career has written nine manuals and four monographies, has published over 150 scientific works.
And he has even more made in a chess composition in which has taken a great interest more than 40 years to that. Mikola has published over 1000 problems of different genres. Was the champion of Ukraine in sections of problems on helpmate and selfmate, has opened Bukovinskaya theme in a composition, has written seven chess books. Won many competitions in Ukraine and in other countries. But the relentless death has pulled out Mikola from us...
We bring to attention of readers a compositions which Mikola has sent in our magazine, but unfortunately, already will not see on pages "Kozatska Shakhivnitsia"...R.Zalokotsky, M.Kuligin, V.Shevchenko.
№531 M.Nagnibida (Chernivtsi)
| №532 M.Nagnibida (Chernivtsi)
| №533 M.Nagnibida (Chernivtsi)
№534 M.Nagnibida (Chernivtsi)
| №535 M.Nagnibida (Chernivtsi)
(1960 - 2005) |
The stunning message from Pologi has come.
In blossoming a creative power, the known journalist and chess composer Volodimir Tishchenko has died..
Volodimir was extremely presented person. Wrote songs and music, and it executed on a guitar. Has published some books of prose and poetry. Also has let out the collection of the chess compositions "Kollerny Knights" (2002). Was a member of the National union of the Union of journalists of Ukraine. What it would not touch, all at it turned out.
It is really told, that the sky selects at us the best....Віталій Шевченко, Віктор Шум, Qедір Sапустін.
№133 V.Tishchenko "Industrialnoe Zaporozhye" 2001 (after S.Kipping)
| №134 V.Tishchenko "Kollerny Knights" 2002
| №135 V.Tishchenko, V.Shevchenko "Kollerny Knights", 2002
№136 V.Tishchenko M.Kuligin, V.Shevchenko "Kollerny Knights", 2002
| №137 V.Tishchenko "Narodnaya Tribuna", 2001 sp. hon. men.
| №138 V.Tishchenko, V.Shum "Nova Gazeta", 2002 hon. men.
The Volgograd regional commission on a chess composition and edition of the newspaper "Molodoy" declare competitions:
18rh MT "Z.Birnov":
Sections: #2, #3, #n, srudy and h#2. Term 30.11.2005. The mark on diagrams: MT "Z.Birnov".
MT "V.Archakov":
Section - h#3. Prize fund 3000 R. Term 31.12.2005. The mark on diagrams: MT "V.Archakov".
JT "V.Persiyanov-50":
The theme - after fitst move each white piece (not king and pawns) does a move in each solution or a variant. Sections: #3, #n, h#2 - n, without twins. Special mentions for orthodox miniatures. Prize fund - 5000 R. Term 30.12.2005. The mark on diagrams: "V.Persiyanov-50".
Compositions (no more than two in the section, in duplicate everyone) to send on the address: edition of the newspaper "Molodoy", p.o. 148, Volgograd - 66, 400066, Russia. With a mark on an envelope "Shahmaty".
MT "V.Kolpakov".
The Krasnodar regional chess federation and edition of the newspaper "Kubansky Novosty" declare competition of drawing up in sections:: #2 - free theme, (judge - G.Markovsky); #3 - miniatures - free theme (V.Kozhakin); h#2, h#3 - (V.Medintsev), theme in h#2: "black the first move unpin a white piece which is actively endowed by the move without a check and a capture". A theme on h#3: "Strategic problem in which mate is given by a pawn ". Prizes are established. Problems in 2 copy, on diagrams with the solution and the comment to send till November, 1st, 2005 on the address: Russia, 350000. Krasnodar, street Pashkovskaja 2, edition of the newspaper "Kubansky Novosty" (with a mark on an envelope - "Chess competition").
Editorial board:
Fedir Kapustin, Mykola Kuligin, Leonid Lyubashevsky (editor-in-chief),
Volodymyr Melnikov, Vitaly Shevchenko (editor)
Gennadiy Shinkarenko (web-designer).
Zaporizhian chess composers' periodical
Issue 4(19), June 2005.